Are potential shoppers able to find your website? Is your eCommerce site optimized to support your business goals? Are you targeting the right audiences, with in-moment messaging, on the right devices? What is your site's conversion rate, and what does that figure tell you? Where do the biggest online opportunities exist for your company?

This is where I come in as a Digital Marketing Strategist. My job is to help you navigate this terrain by helping you to build brand awareness, increase traffic to your website, and convert those visits into sales. My job is to support your business from a digital perspective, so that relevant audiences are able to find your brand, and engage with your products and community.

Whether you are looking for assistance with one aspect of your marketing plan, launching a brand-new website, redesigning an old one, looking for technology recommendations, digital advertising, content creation, search engine marketing, local listings, etc., I can help you to achieve your goals and even audit your current business practices to ensure that your resources are being managed effectively.  Put simply, my job is to help you drive awareness and revenue, with the right customers. 


Data-led insights that drive campaign efficiency 

As a digital strategist, I work with data from a wide variety of sources: web analytics, ad server, search engines and often, your very own back-end data from tools which you already have access to.

While data can often appear complex, I can help to simplify things. My goal is to help you take actionable insights (from your own data) that can help us develop better user experiences. 

A key area for planning is budget allocation across multiple channels. My industry expereince can help you to solve these complex problems and define the optimum cross-channel strategy.

I am an expert at breaking down data to show you where there are opportunities for your online business, which you may not be taking advantage of today. 

Create integrated cross-channel strategies

Audience targeting
I will help you to define your core audience segments and then reach them on the most appropriate channels. There may be actions that your relevant customers are taking, which you will want to be aware of, and optimize for.  

Budget management
A single view of performance by channel is a key to allocating budgets as efficiently as possible.

Consistent messaging
I want to help you build a compelling narrative to your customers both on the web and through your digital marketing.

Data science
With a deep understanding of data, I am able to build advanced models to forecast results and attribute performance across channels. You don't need to do this all on your own, help is right here. 

Manage your digital channels like paid search and social


Continual improvement
My primary responsibility is making you (and your company) look GREAT online. I am continually analyzing what we are doing, and looking for area where can improve, and leverage what we have already learned. 

Unified reporting
I will help you see performance across all digital channels and allocate budgets appropriately, based on your business goals and what our data shows us.

Cross-channel integration
I will help you to better understand how your customers interact with your brand, so that we can better deliver relevant information across their customer journey.

Test and learn
I don't know everything. A lot of what we will do together (depending on where you are in your marketing) is test and learn. The trick is to be constantly refining and optimizing, based on real data and results.